On the night before yesterday, Mark Zuckerberg launched what the Facebook users wanted and waited a 7 long years for. Even though, this need was completed by a not-so-famous application, everybody wanted Facebook to launch their own video chat feature. No one could convince them to do so but thanks to Google+ Hangout, the feature which allows you to chat with up to 10 people at a single time. Many people liked this feature and this feature made Google+ more and more famous over the next few days. Mark Zuckerberg, then did what he should have done a long time ago, introduced the video chat. Facebook partnered with Skype to launch the Facebook Video Chat which lets you do video-chatting with people(quite expected,heh). The sad part was that Facebook didn’t announce the group chat which was totally expected by a lot of people and that would have given a nice competition to Google+ Hangout. Even with that feature excluded, Facebook Video Chat is said to be giving competition to Google+ so I decided that I should try both of them and see which is the better video chat client.
Facebook Video Chat vs Google+ Hangout
1. Starting a Video Chat
It’s really important to see how do you start a video chat because of the start gives you a headache you won’t like to try it again but if the start is done easily, you would use the video chat feature to chat with more friends. In both the social networking sites, you can start a video chat by clicking a “video chat” icon in your friend’s chat box. The plus point here would be the group chat that Google+ offers unlike Facebook Video and that puts Google+ in the big lead. To start a group video chat, you have to click “Start a Hangout” at the right side of your homepage and then you have to invite your circles to join in the hangout. You may wait till they join in and the fun you will have using that feature would be unforgettable.
The Winner: Google+ Hangout
2. The Interface
A user-friendly interface would be the requirement of the people because the interface is what the viewers might see in the first look. Judging the interface was easy. The interface of the Google+ hangout was amazing, nice and simple. When you start a hangout a new window opens and the background is quite clean and elegant and I loved to chat with that background. Facebook Video Chat doesn’t have a background. When your friend accepts the video chat request, a new box opens where you can see his face and in a corner, your video can be seen. You can drag the box anywhere in the tab. Google+ is better in the interface as well as they have a user-friendly interface so the users would like to use Google+ Hangout.
The Winner: Google+ Hangout
3. Picture Clarity
Whenever you are in a video chat you would like to see the clear picture of your friend or whoever you are talking to. So, the picture clarity needs to be good. This was the most difficult section for me to judge. Facebook Video Chat or Google+ Hangout. Which one has the better picture clarity. So, I chatted with the same person on both the video chats at one time. That surely made my netbook a little slow but I managed to find out that Facebook Video Chat has a better picture quality, thanks to Skype. Google+ Hangout’s picture quality seemed a little grainy in front of Facebook Video Chat.
The Winner: Facebook Video Chat
So, after those three rounds. Google+ Hangout got 2 points and Facebook Video Chat got one point meaning that Google+ Hangout is the better video chat client in my opinion. What do you think? Which one is better according to you? Do comment.
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Tags: FaceBook, Google plus, Google hangout, Facebook vs Google, Video chat, which is better, best, google +, Facebook, Hangouts, Social networking, Internet.
Data Taken from: MaDbLoG
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It’s a too good idea. It’s helpful to all, not only video chatting but also meeting as well deal fixing & other communication. I like it very much both.
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