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Microsoft Dream Spark (www.dreamspark.com) is a project of Microsoft for students to provide latest IT Tools and Softwares developed by Microsoft for free. But it is only for few, also it requires an Access Key to enter into Dream Spark.
Update (04-Dec-2011): What you have to do, before requesting the key:
Upto now we distributed 300+ keys without any conditions. From today I want to give the keys only to the people who support my page (adding our page to your social networking) , We just need 3 minutes of your time.
Before you request, you should do the following 6 things:
Before you request, you should do the following 6 things:
Update (01-Dec-2011): So many users are asking is this post still alive? My answer is Yes. I have still 400+ DreamSpark keys. So the post can be alive for 400 more requests.
New:No need to write Email directly into the comment box now. Just write the message and click Post as then select Guest Write Mail ID & Name, So your Email ID will be visible to me only not to public.
Click on the image to see in large "About How to Comment" |

STEP 1:- Visit www.dreamspark.com
STEP 2:- You need to sign-in using Windows Live ID (Hotmail) by clicking on the right top corner of the page where it says sign-in. If you dont have a Windows Live ID, then you have to create one by clicking on Sign-up. It should not take more than a minute.
STEP 3:- Sign-in using the windows live id and then choose the country as India.
STEP 4:- Enter the License key in the field that says access code (this has to be done only once).
STEP 5:- Choose software from the list and start downloading.
So you need a Access Key, Request it here. [In Comment BOX] with your MAIL ID, I will send to your Mail. Please wait until EOD (IST).
Tools available in Microsoft DreamSpark programme:
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Tags: Microsoft Dream Spark Access Key, Login keys, Request a access Key, Microsoft, DreamSpark, Microsoft free softwares download, How to download free softwares of Microsoft, DreamSpark, Keys.
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 795 Newer› Newest»Hi Bharat
Can you send me a code
@ Anonymous
Mailed to you, chk ur Mail.
Hi Bharath, Can u send me the code to kartheek.edara@gmail.com
Can you send me a code?
Can you send me a code?
Can I get a code?
Thanks, Jason.
@^^^ [j_spelts]
I send a mail to U, but delivery to the mail was failed. Due to wrong mail address, Plz chk once..!
Hello Dear
Please Send me Access Key gonna.rockz@yahoo.com
@ Pankaj
Done, Chk ur mail...!
Please send me code.. rack44@live.com
Access key would be great!
@ rack44@live.com & suspiria.iphone@gmail.com
done, chk ur mail...!
Hi! pls send me the code. I'm from sklm.
my email id is kgouthamit09@gmail.com
Fantastic! Thanks very much.
Kindly provide me DreakSpark access keys
Can you please send me access code for Microsoft Sql Server 2008 developer edition on
wow..would be very grateful for a code! Please email me: clt2000@hotmail.com
Hi Bharat
Could you please send me access code ? valer77@walla.com
@ Kgouthamit,2003u7ps147,clt2000
Done Chk ur mail...!
@ rahul.bansal050@gmail.com Ur mail ID was wrong, Msg sending failed, plz re-drop ur mail correctly..!
@ valer77
Done, plz chk urmail...!
Thanks mate.Appreciated
Please,Give me a dreamspark access code. I really need it.Please, please, please, give me a dreamspark access code.
my e-mail: rabbithegreat123@gmail.com
pls pls pls give me an access code.i really need it.
Nice thread!)
Pls, one invite for LiveID: fedor@travinsky.ru
Hey can you send me the access code
much thanks for your help
Bharath, hi mate.
Can u send another one alreg.trial2(dog)gmail.com
Tnx :)
Hi, Bharath.
Can i get one code alwinserv[@]gmail.com?
Thank you.
Invite would be great crash447(at)yahoo.com
rabbithegreat123@gmail.com , fedor@travinsky.ru , nenu122002@yahoo.co.in, alreg.trial2(dog)gmail.com,alwinserv[@]gmail.com, crash447(at)yahoo.com
Thanks, I sent a Key 4 all of you, Chk ur Mails!
It would be great if i can get access to the online virtual lab.!!
may i get a key please?
@ goldmanti, asingh
Sent mail, chk it
Hi, Bharath.
Can i get one code ananthakrishnan.s.r@gmail.com
Thank you.
I'm extremely happy, thanks a lot......
may i get a key please?
may i get a key please?
Hi, I would like to have this access code. My email is migcarmed@hotmail.com.
Greetings from Mexico!!!
and Thanks in advanced.
Hi, Bharath.
Can i get one code marius[@]petrisor.eu?
Thank you.
Hi, Bharath
may i get one code for dreamspark wawan_blitar@yahoo.com
thank you
@ Anantha Its My Pleasure!
@ Siddharth,@Migcarmed,@Marius,@wawan
Chk Ur mail I sent the Key to the Mails.
wow great, this code is so cool make me can download anything from dreamspark
thank you for Bharath
Please Can you send me code at romanosipyan@yahoo.com or invite me with the same Live ID romanosipyan@yahoo.com
Thanks very much !!!
Please can you send me code to romanosipyan@yahoo.com or invite me with same Live ID romanosipyan@yahoo.com
Thanks very much !!!
@ Wawan Ur welcome
@ Romanosipyan Plz chk Ur Mail, I sent a Code to ur mail.
Tank u very much for sending dream spark code!!! ;)
Hello! Can you send a Access Key to leader_skipper@yahoo.com.br? Thank you very much!
may I get a code?
may I get a code?
@Roman, @ leader_skipper,
@ bogdyfantasticattack
Chk Ur mails, I sent the Access code to ur mails.
Thank you very much!
Hello, i would also would have as very useful if you would send me an acces code for the e-mail:
thanks alot in advance
it would be very useful if i would get such an acces code too. Would you mind sending an acces code on:
@ Leader_skipper Ur Welcome
@ trezit_la_realitate, Chk ur mail. I sent the code!
Arkansasrednck@live.com, thank you
@ Bubba
I sent the mail, plz chk it for the code!
I would be grateful if u send a code at
hi there, please send to dilbert2359@netscape.net
hi...... plz send the code....thanks
email---> whocares.alpha@gmail.com
HI there, Please send the Key to am_go_if@yahoo.com
@ Raj, @ am_go_if
Send Keys chk ur mail..
Hey can you please send me a code
Please send code thanks!
@ Cookie, @ barks2010
Chk ur mail, I send the code..!
Can you send me a code ?
to mbroghammer@worldonip.com
Thanks a million.
Please, send a code to me!
www.p@live.de ,
@ mbroghammer, @ www.p
Done Chk ur mail!
Please send me a code. Thank you!
Please I want to have a Key,too.
if possible can you mail one to me at kevin@thebird.be ? thanks
If there are ANY left, give me one :3
hi.send me a code here siyut@hotmail.com
thanks a lot!
hello, please send me the access code. Thanks
saad [at] myraja.com
Hi, may I please have the code?
@all I send a mail, chk ur mails.
Sorry 4 the delay, i am out of station & no Inet connectivity.
I would be grateful if u can send the code to my id - poorva_poorvi@yahoo.co.in
@ Poorva Send to ur mail...
got it! cool dude. thanks!!
- siyut
Hi, dude. Can you send me the code, please? my email: gabomaster2010@hotmail.com
Thanks a lot.
U r welcome
I send the Access code to the mail..!
Hello Bharath Karumudi,
You rock! Thanks!
Wow! Thank you very much, Bharath! You are the best.
- gabomaster
@gabo master..!
Thanks 4 ur compliment..!
These compliments will encourage us!
Might I have one as well?
Thank you, I appreciate it greatly.
don't know if this is going through but I would also like a key for this feature. My school does not participate in this.
my email: made2work@hotmail.com
This will helps U a lot.
Anyway I send a key to ur mail...!
Hi Can you send me the key, please? my email: systemscr@hotmail.com
@ Systemscr
Mail Delivery is Failed. May be due to incorrect mail ID. Correct it.
Hi Can you send me the key, please? my email: tuxero_fiebre@hotmail.com
@tuxero Chk ur mail..!
tnkz for the key!!!!,
bEST Regards!! =D
Send me the key.....
IF u can please send me code
please send me the key as well..thanks a lot in advance :)
pls. give me an access key for dreamspark.
Thank u very much bro..........
Thanks a lot
Please send me a key.....
thank you fr your help.....
Its great
please send me a key
Thank you very much
For Above all, I send the Keys on ur req .
Thax for ur Reply too after receiving the KEY.
please could you send me activation code
Hey Can you send me a key please?
Thanks a lot pal
Thank you sooooooooo much.. cant believe it worked
hell yeh yuve just saved me a VAST AMOUNT OF DOSH :D
Only working things are only found in this site, No fakes.
U r welcome....!
Hi Bharat
Can you send me a code
Hi Bharat,
Access Key Request-
Please send me one.
Hi Bharat,
Access Key Request- Please send me one.
Hey! Would love a new code if you have a spare rack44@live.com
Thanks in advance.
@ thangitti, 1buck75, trungcuong , rack44
Chk your mails....!
( I may update in comments in delay, but your Key is send on the day of your request )
send one to the_big_lazy_one@hotmail.com, please. Thank you very much!
please send one to mr.jeremy.hu@gmail.com
thank you very much
please send one to sowmya.manjunatha@hotmail.com
thank you very much
@Sowmya I send U, but the mail was bounced.
Can U plz chk ur mail ID....!
Hi. Can you please send me an activation code to drew50266@hotmail.com? Thanks!!
@Admin, Many thanks for code, I got ur email.
Thanks again.
Hai, please send me an activation code for etuzumaki@gmail.com.
Thank you very much.
i need a dreamspark code send to scott_4_chelsea@hotmail.co.uk
Hi, please send me an activation code for umswamy@sify.com
Thank you very much.
Hi, please send me an activation code for dreamspark ihawk22@gmail.com
Plz send me DreamSpark Activation code
eyehawk22@gmail.com awaiting
Please send me a code
please sent me a dreamspark activation code to
Plz, I got an invalid activation code from MS. So, can you try sending me one at unsought@hotmail.com ?
@all - Done.
Hope all U are accessing the codes.
All U got the codes instantly. If I am unavailable then it will take a day.
Cheers :)
Thank you so much it worked!
Sorry if this is a double post, I'm not sure if it posted the first time
Could you please send an activation code to the following address?
Thanks in advance.
Thank you
I send the mail, chk it.
I just send U the key in mail.
Great, thanks.
Its My pleasure
Hi Richard, please chk ur mail..!
Excellent thanks
send me one godgod14@yahoo.com
Godgod14, plz chk ur mail...!
thanks worked great
U r welcome...!
Please send one to me my email is cameronf762@xtra.co.nz PLEASE!!!
myne dosent work says key is invalied
Thank you so much it works now you dont know how much ive been looking for this sftwear im 25 and really into it and restrcted by paying for softwear THANKYOU SO MUCH
u r most welcome....!
Sorry if this is a double post, I'm not sure if it posted the first time
Could you please send an activation code to the following address?
Thanks in advance.
Chk Ur mail, Just now I send it.
Could I get an activation code to the following address as well, please?
thank you
Chk ur Mail. I send it.
can you send me a key to mrunal89@gmail.com
hi,can you send me an activation code to following address,
My name is srujal i am from pune (Maharashtra) from smt. kashibai navale college of engineering......
I need dreamspark key for downloading softwares for my project.....
plz. send me the key.....
My email id is...
plz. send me.....
I just send a mail for u, Plz chk it out...!
Thank You Very Much....
please send a key at
just send a key to your mail..Plz chk out.
Hi Bharat
Can you send me a code to my email ID umswamy@sify.com
Chk ur mail...! I send it.
Hi Bharat
Can you send me a code to my email laurusleendertse@hotmail.com
hi,can you send me an activation code to following address,
Just a few mins back I send the mail for U sparky....!
The code you gave me didnt work.
thanks it worked.
hey bro, pls send me an activation code to following address
Just Send to ur mail.
can you send a code for dreamSpark
thank you
Just now send the Key to the mail given by you & sorry for the delay as I am out of station and here it is a limited connectivity.
can I have an activation key highlandsguy@gmail.com
Hi Sir i'm a computer scoence engineering student in MANIT bhopal
Please Send me a dreamsprk-access key so that i an download softwares for my project works
email is navratansoni70@yahoo.in
Plz chk ur mail. I send it.
it worked
U r welcome...
thank you..... thanks lot.............
i need too
thank you
Hi,I want a dreamspark access key.
please send me a code kang_izrail@ymail.com
Hey buddy,please send me a dreamspark access key.
thanks a lot for the key......
Ur welcome!!!
Hi, Bharath
may i get one code for dreamspark chidanand_pd@yahoo.co.in
thanks a ton
Hi Bharath,
can I have an activation key sent to manjuindrajith@yahoo.co.in
Pls Send Activation Key
My E-mail Id Is aksheet18@gmail.com
Pls Send Activation Key
My E-mail Id Is aksheet18@gmail.com
hi dude.. pls provide me the acess key
Please,Give me a dreamspark access code
Hi I send it to your mail. Plz chk out.
Hi Shibu, Just now I send It to your mail. Plz chk out.
Thanks Bharat.. isuccessfully validated d serial...
bro, can u help me out wit.. my win7 ultimate trail is goin 2 end after 4 days and i don't have a valid serial key.. if u r having an win 7 ultimate key, can u pls share with me..plzzzz... thansks frnd for d access serial for spark..
You are welcome.....
You can make Win 7 Full version here:
Can you send me the code mate at: macano@live.com
Can you please send me DreamSpark access key to my remo.cstist@gmail.com address.
Thanks and regards
Hi !!
I want DreamSpark for Microsoft Programming Envoirenments.
Please send me DreamSpark Access Key on my email address remo.cstist@gmail.com.
Thanking You !!
Regards: Remo
Is it possible to receive an Access Key as well? It would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
My email is tdbke@s4sas.tk
Kind regards
I truly do wish to thank you for the activation code. I was able to validate my account without any issues and everything is workign now. Thank you sooooo much for this ;)
Kind regards
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